Assessment Methods to ICT Platform Used in Educational Guidance: Application to an Immersive World Méthodes d'évaluation de plateforme numérique utilisée dans l'orientation scolaire : application à un monde immersif En Fr

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26 octobre 2021

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Marie Gribouval et al., « Méthodes d'évaluation de plateforme numérique utilisée dans l'orientation scolaire : application à un monde immersif », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.y4r06o


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School counselling is a decision-making process in which high school students have to decide what higher education course they will register for. Many digital devices support high school students in this counselling process. Our objective is to evaluate the impact of those digital devices. The research literature offers indicators to evaluate digital devices, however, evaluation protocols are very contextdependent and there are many types of digital devices. We want to determine how to measure the impact of these digital devices in the orientation process. This document presents an evaluation protocol and its application with an immersive world (VirBELA).

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