L'interprète du silence

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Claude Régy revient sur son expérience du théâtre de langue étrangère et de sa traduction, à partir de ses diverses expériences avec des linguistes tels Henri Meschonnic dont la traduction de certains livres de la Bible lui a inspiré deux spectacles. Il interroge ce faisant les questions de la lecture, du sens et de la performativité de la langue, de l’art du comédien... et du spectateur.

The interpreter of silenceClaude Régy is indisputably one of France’s most important and innovative theatre directors., and may claim to have revealed to the French public most of the major contemporary European dramatists since the sixties : Harold Pinter, Edward Bond, Tom Stoppard, Gregory Motton, David Harrower but also Peter Handke, Botho Strauss, Jon Fosse and, among French writers Marguerite Duras and Nathalie Sarraute. In this interview with French translator and director Jérôme Hankins, with whom he adapted Harrower’s ground-breaking play Knives in Hens (1995), Régy describes and analyzes his relationship with translators, develops his own theory on translation and linguistics and extends these thoughts to the art of the actor... and of the audience.

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