Inquiry to me: Four mathematics teachers’ conceptualizations of inquiry preceding a professional development course

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10 juillet 2023

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Marte Bråtalien, « Inquiry to me: Four mathematics teachers’ conceptualizations of inquiry preceding a professional development course », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.y7zubo


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Despite the centrality of inquiry in educational research, teachers might not have a clear idea of what inquiry entails. In this study, four teachers, ready to enter a professional development course, were asked about their conceptualizations of inquiry in teaching and learning mathematics. The teachers emphasized multiple aspects that are also emphasized in research and in the new Norwegian mathematics curriculum, such as open structures with few prescriptions and students exploring mathematical connections. However, other key aspects were only vaguely conceptualized, e.g., collaborative and argumentative features and the teachers’ role in inquiry in mathematics. Based on the findings, I propose that mathematics professional development courses should portray inquiry as a daily approach, balance inquiry examples and experiences, and promote teacher (inter)actions to support the inquiry teacher.

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