A Provincial Newspaper: The Revue Juive de Lorraine (1925–1940)

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With the thoughtful support of Paul Haguenauer, the Chief Rabbi of Nancy, this journal sought from the start to create a link between the various Jewish communities in Lorraine through the publishing of news concerning each one and to offer rich cultural and mainly historical content intended according to its architects to make Lorraine Israelites the journal’s sole concern while being aware of their French identity. During the 1930s, although these issues were not addressed in the early issues of the journal, there began to appear in its pages information about current Jewish life, mostly those aspects dealing with the problem of Jewish immigration, Jewish refugees from Central Europe, and Zionism. The journal ceased publication in June 1940 and started up again in October 1948, with a new staff that did not seem to be aware of the journal’s past.

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