On the industrialisation of thought

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The intervention will undertake the attempt to conceptualize the image as a navigational landscape whose horizon continuously escapes the eye’s sight, because that kind of image does not represent but is part of an operation causing disorientation in tandem with routine actions. GPS-system. Computer screen with layered windows/frames. Desktop-documentary. Datalogical turn. The image of navigational vision operates through that endless frame which re-generates itself constantly with the purpose to balance / regulate / compensate / correlate the slowness of human immersion and the speed of distance: a techno-mode of production that ‘excludes me and shuts me out’ as Harun Farocki analysed the ‘industrialization of thought’ in 1993. The image as navigational landscape seems to generate a new spatiality that is defined by the sprawling paradox of slowness and speed, once the movement-temporality has began. The intervention is informed by the discussions during a joint work-session with the Research Center for Proxy Politics and the Theory Fiction seminar of CCC Research Program at HEAD Geneva, as well as from the conversations with the Farocki Institut.

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