Prevalence of cigarette smoking among employees of the Mexican National Institutes of Health

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Salud Pública de México

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Alejandra Soriano et al., « Prevalence of cigarette smoking among employees of the Mexican National Institutes of Health », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.yd74zq


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"Objective. To determine the prevalence of cigarette smokingat the National Institutes of Health in Mexico (NIHM).Material and methods. A survey was performed amongworkers who voluntarily answered a questionnaire.Smokers were identified with two specific questions, andtype of employment was classified as physicians, administrativestaff, investigators and support personnel. Results.Total prevalence smoking was 28% (of 4 422 answered questionnaires).It was significantly higher among females, amongadministrative staff, and common-law and separated workers.It was significantly higher at the Mexican Institute ofPsychiatry than at the remaining Institutes, even after adjustingfor confounding. The prevalence was also higher amongphysicians from the same Institute. Of the smokers, 46% doso in their work areas and 78% of them would like to quit.Conclusions. The prevalence of smokers at the NIHM isas high as in the general population and a broad educationalprogram for tobacco control and prevention is needed."

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