Homework self-regulation strategies: a gender and educational-level invariance analysis

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Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica

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Irene Cadime et al., « Homework self-regulation strategies: a gender and educational-level invariance analysis », Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, ID : 10670/1.yuizts


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"This study investigates the measurement invariance as a function of gender and educational level of the Homework Behavior Questionnaire (Ktpc), an instrument developed to assess students ’ homework self- regulation strategies. A sample of 1400 elementar y and middle school students was used. Results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit of t he theoretical model composed of three dimensions: planning, execution and evaluation of the homework completion. The results also provided evidence for the existence of metric invariance and partial scalar measu rement invariance across boys and girls and across the elementary school and the middle school students. The reliability of the scores in the three dimensions was high. Girls obtained higher scores than boys in planning, execution and evaluation. Middle school students had lower scores in planning compared to the elementar y school students. These findings are discussed, and their implications for practice are highlighted."

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