Education strategies

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Sébastien Moriset, « Education strategies », HAL-SHS : architecture, ID : 10670/1.yvz96q


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The safeguarding of vernacular heritage and the transfer of the intelligences that gave rise to it are complex issues to resolve. In addition to financial aid packages and legal protection measures, promotion and education are indispensable tools to ensure the safeguarding of this precious heritage. But who to educate and in what form? The answer must be multiple. The owners of vernacular houses must first of all be made aware of the values of their property and educated about the existence of good practices.If out of ignorance they do not see the need to respect the values of their heritage, they will not see the need to call on competent professionals. Owners are therefore one of the first audiences to be targeted in order to encourage them to take care of their property in the framework of clear landscape charters and regulatory systems. But they are not the only ones. It is the whole chain of actors who must share the same knowledge and sensitivities so that the heritage resists irretrievable alterations. Forums for exchange such as public meetings or festivals sometimes allow connections between these stakeholders who together must build this awareness on heritage values. We recall here the main levels of training that an education strategy should include.

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