Exploring Polyvocality in Online Narratives of French Colonial Memory through Web Archives: Methodological and Ethical considerations

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24 avril 2024

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Mara Bertelsen et al., « Exploring Polyvocality in Online Narratives of French Colonial Memory through Web Archives: Methodological and Ethical considerations », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.zahf9p


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Polyvocal Interpretations of Contested Colonial Heritage (PICCH) is a European project involving five national partners and coordinated by Prof. Daniela Petrelli (Sheffield Hallam University). Alexander Badenoch (Utrecht University) is responsible for the Dutch team, while Pia Borlund (Oslo Metropolitan University) leads the Swedish team. PICCH explores how archival material created in a colonial mindset can be reappropriated and reinterpreted to become an effective source for decolonization and the basis for a future inclusive society. The French team mobilizes diverse archives to study colonial and postcolonial narratives. French web archives are crucial for studying the evolution of the multiple narratives published online in recent years on the polyvocal memories of colonization in the Maghreb and its postcolonial consequences.[Poster layout by Maja Mellet (TELEMMe)]

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