التنمية المستدامة و سؤال الأخلاق- رؤية مقاصدية Sustainable development and ethics question-vision finality Ar En

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15 janvier 2022

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عقبة جنان, « التنمية المستدامة و سؤال الأخلاق- رؤية مقاصدية », HAL-SHS : histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et des techniques, ID : 10.36772/arid.aijssh.2022.4710


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The problem of sustainable development emerged in today’s environmental crisis is mainly caused by the Western modernist model of consumption. The later fails to preserve the environment and keeps its promises for sustaining it.Their failure questions, in myriad of ways, the ethical dimensions of human attachment to their environment. The present paper aims at investigating the contribution of people’s ethical commitment in protecting the environment in creating the fair balance between the demands of present generations and the future generations. It attempts also to approach the question of sustainable development from applied philosophy and Islamic ethics perspectives. The study uses the analytical and descriptive method to deal with the problematic relationship between ethics and sustainable development. It concludes that the lack of the environmental ethics hinders establishing a sustainable development for our environment.

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