Political Science Communities Challenged by Internationalisation. The Case of France

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3 mars 2022

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Sciences Po



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Thibaud Boncourt et al., « Political Science Communities Challenged by Internationalisation. The Case of France », Archive ouverte de Sciences Po (SPIRE), ID : 10.1057/s41304-022-00363-z


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The internationalisation of political science is an uneven process. Existing studies have shown that it is characterised by centre-periphery relationships, with dominant Western countries setting the international standards of the discipline and scholars from the East and the Global South struggling to adapt to these standards. Fewer studies, however, have been devoted to the tensions that internationalisation creates within the Western world of political science. Through a study of the case of France, this article argues that some of the countries that enjoy a rather dominant position globally may still be internally divided by the changes brought about by internationalisation. The article portrays French political science as divided between institutions and scholars that are strongly connected to international venues, and others that are not. It concludes that the internationalisation of political science is best portrayed as a conflicted process and a point of contention, rather than a smooth process of gradual convergence.

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