Effects of carprofen and/or CIDR administration on pregnancies per artificial insemination around pregnancy recognition in lactating dairy cows Effects of carprofen and/or CIDR administration on pregnancies per artificial insemination around pregnancy recognition in lactating dairy cows El En

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30 octobre 2021

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Copyright (c) 2021 M ABAY, SM PANCARCI, O GUNGOR, Y NAK, AD ALPARSLAN, T BEKYUREK , https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0

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Gestation Cow

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M ABAY et al., « Effects of carprofen and/or CIDR administration on pregnancies per artificial insemination around pregnancy recognition in lactating dairy cows », eJournals, ID : 10670/1.zudqzy


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Effect of carprofen and/or CIDR on pregnancies per AI (P/AI) 14 days after artificial insemination (AI) in lactating cows were investigated. Following detection of corpus luteum (CL) by ultrasonography (USG) 14 days after AI, cows (n=853) were randomly allocated to CARP (carprofen, 1.4 mg/kg; Rimadyl®XL), CIDR (progesterone, 1.38g, for seven days), CARP+CIDR and CONT (control) groups. CL was re-determined with USG 21 days after AI to monitored the maintenance of CL. Rates of maintenance of CL did not differed among CARP (79.6% [168/211]), CIDR (86.0% [196/228]), CARP+CIDR (80.0% [172/215]) and CONT (74.9% [149/199]) groups; however, the interaction effect of treatment by body condition score (BCS) at AI (P2.5, chances of maintenance of CL were lower in CARP (74.1%, [43/58]) and CARP+CIDR (79.6%, [43/54]) groups compared to those in CONT (90.5%, [38/42]) and CIDR (95.6%, [43/45]) groups. For the P/AI at 28-32 days after AI, there was no difference among CARP (48.8% [103/211]), CIDR (50.9 [116/228]), CARP+CIDR (47.4% [102/215]) and CONT (44.7% [89/199]) groups. Pregnancy losses between 28-32 and 55-60 days did not differ among CARP (3.9%, [4/103]), CIDR (4.3%, [5/116]), CARP+CIDR (5.9%, [6/102]) and CONT (6.7%, [6/89]) groups. However, there was a significant (P

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