From Dissemination to Digitality: How to Reflect on Media

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10 mars 2022

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Sybille Krämer, « From Dissemination to Digitality: How to Reflect on Media », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.zy3am0


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J.D. Peters' communication theory rehabilitates communication in the form of non-reciprocal dissemination as a complement to the dominant position of dialogue, which is usually considered the primary form of close communication. This essay, in turn, now complements Peters' communication theory with the cultural-historical phenomenon that we use the stable surfaces of materials to write and to illustrate, starting with cave paintings and skin tattoos and to the invention of writings, diagrams and maps. The 'cultural technique of flattening' is conceived as a projection of spatial and non-spatial facts onto twodimensionality. 'Artificial' flatness-there is no empirical flatness-forms a productive potential and power that is essential for the development of sciences, many arts, technology and architecture, and complex administrative technology is unthinkable. What this means is (i) examined in a media theoretical context and (ii) explored in connection to digital technology, which establishes a link to Peters' reflections on 'clouds'.

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