‘Balancing’ the ‘live’ use of resources towards the introduction of the Iterative Numerical method

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6 février 2019

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Lina Kayali et al., « ‘Balancing’ the ‘live’ use of resources towards the introduction of the Iterative Numerical method », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.zy8jrh


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This paper draws on the Knowledge Quartet (Rowland, Huckstep, & Thwaites, 2005) to analyse an introductory to the Iterative Numerical Method Year 13 lesson of a secondary mathematics teacher who uses a range of paper based and electronic resources including Autograph, a mathematics-education software. Data were collected during one lesson observation and a follow up interview with the teacher. Analysis identifies the different aspects of the Knowledge Quartet dimensions: foundation, transformation, connection and contingency, in relation to the introduction to the Iterative method and to the teaching of Year 13 students. Findings demonstrate how the teacher used students’ contributions as resource for his teaching; how he balanced his use of resources; and how he created connections between these resources while he remained attentive to exam requirements.

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