Estimation of economic losses due to milk fever and efficiency gains if prevented: evidence from Haryana, India

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20 mai 2021

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Cornell University

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A. G. A. Cariappa et al., « Estimation of economic losses due to milk fever and efficiency gains if prevented: evidence from Haryana, India », arXiv - économie, ID : 10.2139/ssrn.3851567


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Calcium (Ca) requirement increases tenfold upon parturition in dairy cows & buffaloes and its deficiency leads to a condition called milk fever (MF). Estimation of losses is necessary to understand the depth of the problem and design preventive measures. How much is the economic loss due to MF? What will be the efficiency gain if MF is prevented at the advent of a technology? We answer these questions using survey data and official statistics employing economic surplus model. MF incidence in sample buffaloes and cows was 19% and 28%, respectively. Total economic losses were calculated as a sum total of losses from milk production, mortality of animals and treatment costs. Yearly economic loss due to MF was estimated to be INR 1000 crores (US$ 137 million) in Haryana. Value of milk lost had the highest share in total economic losses (58%), followed by losses due to mortality (29%) and treatment costs (13%). Despite lower MF incidence, losses were higher in buffaloes due to higher milk prices and market value of animals. The efficiency gain accruing to producers if MF is prevented, resulting from increased milk production at decreased costs was estimated at INR 10990 crores (US$ 1.5 billion). As the potential gain if prevented is around 10 times the economic losses, this study calls for the use of preventive technology against MF.

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