Compact representations of structured BFGS matrices

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29 juillet 2022

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Cornell University

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Retention (Psychology) Math

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Johannes J. Brust et al., « Compact representations of structured BFGS matrices », arXiv - économie, ID : 10.1007/s10589-021-00297-0


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For general large-scale optimization problems compact representations exist in which recursive quasi-Newton update formulas are represented as compact matrix factorizations. For problems in which the objective function contains additional structure, so-called structured quasi-Newton methods exploit available second-derivative information and approximate unavailable second derivatives. This article develops the compact representations of two structured Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno update formulas. The compact representations enable efficient limited memory and initialization strategies. Two limited memory line search algorithms are described and tested on a collection of problems, including a real world large scale imaging application.

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