Varennes ou la subversion cérémonielle

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Varennes or ceremonial subversion. The flight to Varennes is here studied in its symbolic meaning. The actions and words of the King and his family, from their departure to their return, show the progressive abdication of all the symbols of their royalty. At the same time other actors, patriots or deputies, discover the extent of the royal fall, and immediately after the king's arrest take the initiative to fill the political vacuum. Already on the long road, home struggles break out for the control of these initiatives, between true royalists like Dampierre, constitutionals like Barnave and Jacobins like Pétion. In these struggles popular intervention plays a complex and contradictory role. The historiography of Varennes in the 19th and 20th Centuries, which has reflected these struggles, has painted the picture of a dignified and solemn return, which is contradicted by the newspapers and images of 1791.

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