18 juin 2020
Lizandro Becerra Valderrama et al., « Creation of Relevant Edutainment Scenarios for Language Performance through Learning Games », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.152950...
Our paper focuses on the design and development of an edutainment scenario as part of a didactic system for the use of Spanish as a second language in a French context. On the one hand, the combination of the issues of Language Didactics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) could offer solutions and operational systems to language learners. And on the other, serious games have the potential to provide serious content in a playful way. Therefore, we have proposed a teaching system capable of integrating the potential of a serious game in order to offer a relevant solution to language learners. For this purpose, our system has been designed and developed according to the language needs of the learners. We have chosen automatic dictation as a pedagogical activity to encourage learners to use language skills in our serious game. Our system also seeks to provide automatic correction elements as a feedback. The continuation of our project consists of completing and testing our first edutainment scenario for the use of Spanish as a second language. We want to assess its relevance through an interactionist approach to foreign language learning.