At Modal Age at Death, the Hazard Rate is Determined by its Derivative

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2 décembre 2021

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« At Modal Age at Death, the Hazard Rate is Determined by its Derivative », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/0x003d08d4


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The relation between the hazard rate and its derivative at modal age at death, an equivalent towhich has been featured by Pollard (1991), Canudas-Romo (2008), Thatcher et al. (2010), andTuljapurkar and Edwards (2011), is presented as a handy tool in studying mortalitycompression in its period and cohort dimensions. Our analytical findings indicate birthcohorts to differ substantially from the period life tables with respect to the distribution ofdeaths around the mode. Empirical results support theoretical predictions and show thatpreviously reported effect of compression of deaths above the mode might be a feature ofperiod life tables and not of the cohort mortality schedules. Our results are also useful incomputing the modal age at death and sensitivity analysis.

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