Ronan Divard et al., « Les programmes de cartes affinitaires : Une forme originale de partenariat », Décisions Marketing, ID : 10670/1.e3ncnl
Appeared in the United States in 1983, the affinity cards programs consist for a financial company to deal with consumers while being based on their membership or their support for organizations. The main advantage for the bank is the possibility of conquering and of developing new customer segments loyalty. For the affinity organization, the major interest is to profit from regular transfers from the bank. As for the member or supporter of the organization, if he can derive objective advantages from them, the essential benefit is rather of a psychological nature. If this original form of partnership still remains ignored in France, the evolution of the lawful context creates the conditions of a fast growth of affinity partnerships. The object of this article is to analyze the distinctive characteristics of the affinity cards programs and to submit precisely and clearly the potential advantages and the risks.