From the roots to the new blossoming buds of Applied Linguistics in Europe

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4 octobre 2022

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Grégory Miras et al., « From the roots to the new blossoming buds of Applied Linguistics in Europe », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10.1515/eujal-2022-0031


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This editorial reports on the special issue “New Generation of Applied Linguists in Europe” which highlights the work of early career researchers in the field of Applied Linguistics who participated in one of the last AILA Europe Junior researchers’ Meeting (JRM). It aims to offer a reflection from the roots to the new blossoming buds of Applied Linguistics in Europe. We will review the emergence of Applied Linguistics in Europe through the challenges of creating its different affiliates. Then, we will present the levers for the emergence of a European network. We will conclude with the logic behind the selected papers.

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