The Contribution of Immigrants to Multifunctional Agricultural Systems in Italy

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26 août 2019

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Marcello de Rosa et al., « The Contribution of Immigrants to Multifunctional Agricultural Systems in Italy », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.3390/su11174641


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This paper explores the role of immigrants within farms and is framed within constructivist approaches to the analysis of immigrants in rural areas. The aim of the paper is to analyse migrants’ contributions to building up multifunctional agricultural systems. To achieve this purpose, a sound empirical analysis is carried out, built on the profile of farms employing immigrants, with special reference to three indicators: the style of farming, territorial localisation of farming activity and the qualification held by the immigrant employed in the farm. The results of analysis confirm a diversified range of contribution on behalf of migrants, with strong diversification on the basis of workers’ provenance. The results of the study suggest that an adequate policy action targeted to the immigrants may bring about positive effects in terms of multifunctionality building at both the individual and territorial level.

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