Existe-t-il des stades successifs dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe d'usage ?

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Catherine Martinet et al., « Existe-t-il des stades successifs dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe d'usage ? », Langue française, ID : 10.3406/lfr.1999.6306


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Catherine Martinet, Marilyne Bosse, Sylviane Valdois, Marie-Jeanne Tainturier. Existe-t-il des stades dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe d'usage ? This paper questions the main proposal of the stade models of spelling acquisition which postulate that children go through a série of stages characterised by the acquisition of specific processing abilities during learning. Two kinds of evidence against this hypothesis are presented here through the analysis of neuropsychological and experimental data. It is argued that the mechanisms underlying normal reading establish very early during development, their involvement in processing being essentially determined by word familiarity. Catherine Martinet, Marilyne Bosse, Sylviane Valdois, Marie-Jeanne Tainturier. Existe-t-il des stades dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe d'usage ? This paper questions the main proposal of the stade models of spelling acquisition which postulate that children go through a série of stages characterised by the acquisition of specific processing abilities during learning. Two kinds of evidence against this hypothesis are presented here through the analysis of neuropsychological and experimental data. It is argued that the mechanisms underlying normal reading establish very early during development, their involvement in processing being essentially determined by word familiarity.

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