Co-production models and organizational control of deviant customer behavior : the example of peer-to-peer car-sharing

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28 mai 2012

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Muriel Jougleux et al., « Co-production models and organizational control of deviant customer behavior : the example of peer-to-peer car-sharing », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.a19d2e...


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This paper presents exploratory research in which three French peer-to-peer car-sharing companies are studied in terms of how they handle their co-production service models and control deviant customer behavior. The study draws on a theoretical framework based on the literature on customer involvement in service co-production, on deviant customer behavior management, and on the general typology of organizational modes of control proposed by Chiapello (1996). Three co-production models related to three control patterns of consumer behavior are identified. First, the transactional model of industrial co-production is associated with strong, highly instrumented control exercised by the organization. Second, the model of relational co-production is associated with control by the market and delegation to consumers. Third, the model of community co-production is associated with strong control based on the community itself. The paper concludes by discussing the strong links that may exist between co-production systems, control systems and business models for each of the companies studied.

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