Identifying a transition period at the midpoint of an online collaborative activity: a study among adult learners

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Estelle Michinov et al., « Identifying a transition period at the midpoint of an online collaborative activity: a study among adult learners », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10.1016/j.chb.2004.12.013


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This case study describes the group development in an online learning group. Adult learners enrolled in a MBA partially delivered at a distance were observed during fifteen weeks to better understand the group development of an online learning group. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to capture the dynamic of social interactions within the group and some affective reactions of members. The results revealed a transition period at the midpoint of the collaborative activity showing a decline of task-oriented communications, motivation and positive mood from this period. Results were discussed through models of group development validated in face-to-face environments. Some implications were proposed to facilitate online activities in computer-supported learning groups.

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