The reliability and validity of the quality of educators' observation and planning practices scale (QOPPS).

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  • handle:  10670/1.tg6jz3
  • Lemay, Lise; Cantin, Gilles; Lemire, Julie; Hayotte, Paul et Bouchard, Caroline (2017). « The reliability and validity of the quality of educators' observation and planning practices scale (QOPPS). ». Conference, 27e congrès de la European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Bologne, Italie, août 2017.

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Lise Lemay et al., « The reliability and validity of the quality of educators' observation and planning practices scale (QOPPS). », UQAM Archipel : conférences, ID : 10670/1.tg6jz3


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This study describes and validates the QOPPS, an instrument assessing the quality of early childhood educators' (ECEs) observation and planning practices. High quality ECE promotes children's development. Offering high quality intervention starts with observing each child and plan to best meet his or her needs (NAYEC, 2009). Previous studies have questioned existing measure od the quality of ECEs' observation and planning practices and highlited the need for improvements (Lemay, et al., 2015). High quality require intentional ECEs. They observe children to feed their planning of the curriculum, wich is implemented in a flexible manner, and teh, they reflect upon the latter to improve practices (Epstein, 2009). This pilot study was conducted in Québec (Canada). Subjects are 181 ECEs working in childcare centers. Base on ECE' responses in a semi0structured interview and a documents check, an assitant rated the 8 items of the QOPPS (double coding 15% of QOPPS). The QOPPS scores were compared base on independent variables known to influence quality and were correlated with other quality measures (Pianta, et al., 2008, Bourgon et Lavall.e, 2013). All participanting ECEs were informed about the project and signed consent form. The QOPPS shows a good interrater reliability and internal consistency. Results provides evidence for convergent validity, whereas the QOPPS scores differ by types of childcare and associate with quality of the interactions and the quality of the physical setting. The QOPPS offers guidelines for the improvement of ECEs practices and seems a promising scale to use in research.

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