Françoise Clerc



Documents écrit par Françoise Clerc (17) | parle de Françoise Clerc (2)

Françoise Clerc et al. (20 juin 2024)
Jean-Marie Barbier et al. (4 oct. 2011)
Françoise Clerc (4 oct. 2011)
Françoise Clerc et al. (15 oct. 2008)
Brigitte Albero et al. (13 oct. 2008)
Françoise Clerc et al. (2005)

curriculum2020 (10 janv. 2022)
Alan Palmer : The Penguin Dictionary of Twentieth Century History 1900-1978 ; Peter Calvocoressi : The British Experience. 1945-1975 ; Alan Sked & Chris Cook, Post-War Britain. A Political History ; Women's Voice : Ireland : Ten Years Living with the Troops, Issue No 32 (August 1979) ; Peace News : Ten Years On, N° 2101 (August 1979) ; Frank Burton : The Politics of Legitimacy ; Buzz Logan : The Shankill ; Peter Taylor : « Reporting Northern Ireland » in Index on Censorship, vol. 7, n° 6 (Nov. Dec. 1978), pp. 3-11 ; The British Media and Ireland ; Belfast Bulletin : Media Misreport Northern Ireland, N° 6 (Spring 1979) ; Camera Workshop : Reporting on Northern Ireland, special issue, No 14 (August 1979) ; James Margach : The Abuse of Power ; Philip Knightley : The First Casualty. From the Crimea to Vietnam : the War Correspondent As Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker ; An Industrial and Occupational Profile of the Two Sections of the Population of Northern Ireland ; R. Osborne & Russell : Educational Qualifications and Religious Affiliation in Northern Ireland ; Ford Foundation : The Northern Ireland Attitude Survey ; Robert Mark : In the Office of Constable ; Presbyterian Church in Ireland : Pluralism in Ireland ; New Ulster Political Research Group : Beyond the Religious Divide ; PJ. Emerson : Northern Ireland : That Sons May Bury Their Fathers ; Michael Sheane : Ulster and the German Solution ; Pierre Villa, Stanislas Gavrilo, Françoise Clerc & Michel Perneau : Irlande insoumise et rebelle